Experience fieldwork soil investigation
Geology (e.g. Geological Survey of the Netherlands – TNO)
Soil science
Site preparation (combi survey for development plans)
Geotechnical Engineering (very diverse)
Hydrologie (e.g. monitoring networks Staatsbosbeheer)
Earth moving
Nature construction
Experience supervision fieldwork soil surveys (recent)
Supervision environmental survey (factory) India
Supervision soil survey Municipallity of Moerdijk
Survey soil investigation highway A9
Experience standardization
NEN Fieldwork and sampling – since 2000
ISO/TC190 Soil quality – since 2005
SIKB: ad-hoc projects (protocols, serious game, info books)
Experience implementation of standards
SIKB BRL 1000 including certification and acknowledgement support
SIKB BRL 2000 including certification and acknowledgement support
SIKB BRL 6000 including certification and acknowledgement support
SIKB BRL 7000 including certification and acknowledgement support
SIKB BRL 11000 including certification and acknowledgement support
KOMO BRL 6000-00 en 6000-21 including certification and acknowledgement support
Veiligheids Checklist Aannemers
Experience training and education
Field observations, soil texture, field registrations
Diverse soil courses and workshops
Use of soil software
Green course (trees, shrubs, herbs in Landscape)
Tree course
Education for Nature guide IVN
Use of personell safety equipment (and clothes)
Use of field measuring apparatus environmental investigations
Experience advising (recent)
Internal system audit Fieldwork group – office, system, field practice
New soil guideliness in practice India (text checks, supplying photos)
Innovative drilling method soil depot investigations
Pilot biodegradable monitoring wells
Crowdsourcing project www.bodemfoto.nl (partnership with ISRIC Wageningen)
Richtlijn Herstel en beheer – update technical methods and equipment (Bodem+)
Robustness test sampling of volatiles in soil (partnership Germany and France)